Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tienes cuenta aqui?

Malcolm has been a bundle of joy, really. He's so funny....and naughty. I just got transferred at work to a bi-lingual customer service representative at the Goshen South branch of LCB. I'm nervous to start using my Spanish speaking skills again (what I have left), but I know it will be an awesome opportunity for me to learn more.

Also, I made corn beef and cabbage tonight and it was delicious. I am so proud of myself!


StuckeyBlog said...

Look at you! Felicitaciones! (Is that right? It's been awhile for me too). Congrats on the job and on the meal. I wish I lived closer...

David said...

I just fed your fish so much food they exploded. Don't worry, they came back when I refreshed the page.